What is the Goal? – and New List Schedule

Imagine this. You’re in the big city. You like going to cafes. You like being able to go for a hike and go out on the town in the same day.

You have a freelance software development business and it’s going great.

You’re making just enough to support the “big city” lifestyle, more or less. You want to make even more to create some margin and it looks like it’s going to happen.

Then you start having stomach problems, and they get worse. And suddenly you can’t work enough to pay the bills in the big city, so you start thinking about moving home, then start planning it. Everything has changed.

This happened to a client of mine.

It made him rethink what matters. What is the goal? Is it making more money, or having a better life, or something else entirely?

This is what is on my mind right now, how to structure a business so that it works for you and your life.

There will be some “working while taking care of your health” emails and some “how to structure your business so it doesn’t mess up your life” emails, and probably some on topics I haven’t thought of yet.

It’s going to be a weekly list instead of a daily one. I wanted to do daily because Jonathan Stark does daily, but it felt like it was getting less valuable as time went on. I would rather get one good email a week than a mediocre one every day, and I’m guessing you would think the same.

I don’t know if that’s what you signed up for. No worries if you unsubscribe. I’m here to help.


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