They believe nothing you say.

“They believe nothing you say, they believe everything they say. So I need them to say it’s a good idea, not me.” – Alex Hormozi*

There’s a tendency to pitch when you want someone to sign up with your service. To tell them why it’s a great idea for them. And most of the time they don’t believe you. If they buy, they might still resent the pitch.

If you can instead inspire them to say why they want to buy your service, why now, and why with you, they will most likely buy and return.

That’s what the Why Conversation we have been talking about is good for.

Of course, they might not be a good fit, or may not be ready yet, and that’s ok.

Our businesses are generally more like gardening than mining. We slowly develop relationships until some of them ripen into fruit we can carefully harvest.


*This is an overstatement. They don’t believe everything they say and do believe some of what you say, but they trust themselves a lot more than you. Source:

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