Raising Prices

It occurred to me that I haven’t done an email specifically on resources for raising prices. This is what I and my clients have found useful for charging more while creating better outcomes for our clients:

The Why Conversation by Jonathan Stark (11 min): https://podcast.ditchinghourly.com/episodes/the-why-conversation

The Why Conversation helps you uncover a prospect’s underlying motivations, get good fits to sign up, and help bad fits filter themselves out. This requires some customization for your business, I found this long-form episode helpful for doing that: https://www.businessgrowthbynumbers.com/podcasts/the-pricing-queen/episodes/2147526975

Hourly Billing is Nuts (short book). How to switch from hourly to fixed prices in a way that actually works: https://jonathanstark.com/hbin

This book helped a client who wanted to switch from hourly to fixed prices be in a position to make the same amount of money while working less and producing better results for his clients.

The author’s daily email list is a slower version of that, the book is simply faster: https://jonathanstark.com/daily

I’m also up for getting on a call with any of you because this is my bread and butter and our conversation will probably teach me something I can use in my own business. You can schedule that here: https://cal.com/joshmudge/listening-tour


P.S. I’m experimenting with the frequency of these emails. I realized my health wasn’t as much the issue with posting daily as much as my not wanting to post unless I had something relevant and valuable for you.

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